F. Developing as a Professional Educator
TPE 12: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations
- Taking responsibility for student academic learning outcomes
- Knowing and applying professional and ethical obligations
- Knowing and applying legal obligations
- Evaluating teaching practice and subject matter knowledge
- Using reflection and feedback t improve teaching practice and subject matter knowledge
How can you use technology to develop professionally? What professional organizations are you interested in joining. What resources can help you meet your professional, legal, and ethical obligations. What technological skills do you plan to develop in the future?
- ASCD - For the Success of Each Learner - this organization's publication, Educational Leadership has been one of the resources I have turned to time and time again as I write papers for my credential program. The articles always seem relevant.
- CATESOL - California Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages - has a comprehensive list of links that are helpful to anyone working with ELL students.
- iste - International Society for Technology in Education - the Educator Resources page of this organization's web site is packed with resources for using technology in the classroom.
I have always held firmly to the idea that membership in professional organizations is essential to my development as a professional. Today many of the resources that had once made that membership so important are available on the organization web sites. This creates a dilemma for me. Do I show my support for the work of the organization by joining, or merely utilize their resources for free. At this time, I continue to lean toward the "join the organization" side. These professional groups are about more than just online articles. They are about taking the time to develop as a professional, meeting others in your field, and advocating for your profession.
While I know that I can look at the ASCD site and read articles, how likely am I to do that when faced with the time crunches and family responsibilities I face? The answer is, not likely at all. Having that publication show up on my doorstep will make me much more likely to take the time to keep up to date with what is going on out there. It will bring to the forefront the legal and ethical dilemmas that the profession is dealing with as well.
These organizations are also dedicated to the education of the professionals they serve. Conferences, webinars, etc. provide more opportunities for growth. Creating this blog has been a learning experience. While I have enjoyed it, I am frustrated by the limitations. I fully intent to continue to explore the web design options we have discovered through my class and develop an actual web page so that I will be ready to make a class web page when I have a room of my own. I have had a lifelong commitment to learning - I don't intend to stop once I am a full time teacher!
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