Electronic Portfolio
Shelly Morris
Please take a moment to browse this blog. It is a compilation of work completed during my class on computer applications in education.
In this blog you will find the following information:
Contact Shelly
My Resume
Alternative Bio-Poem View
Scavenger Hunt
Grading Rubric
Excel Spreadsheet Chart
Photo Album
Teacher Performance Expectations
TPE A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students
TPE B: Assessing Student Learning
TPE C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
TPE D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning
Experiences for Students
TPE E: Creating and Maintaining Effective
Environments for Student Learning
TPE F: Developing as a Professional Educator
Clip Art and Photographs used on these pages were retrieved from Microsoft Office Online, and the California Board of Education website. Photographs of the 3rd Grade musical are from my personal collection.
Shelly Morris
Please take a moment to browse this blog. It is a compilation of work completed during my class on computer applications in education.
In this blog you will find the following information:
Contact Shelly
My Resume
Alternative Bio-Poem View
Scavenger Hunt
Grading Rubric
Excel Spreadsheet Chart
Photo Album
Teacher Performance Expectations
TPE A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students
TPE B: Assessing Student Learning
TPE C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
TPE D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning
Experiences for Students
TPE E: Creating and Maintaining Effective
Environments for Student Learning
TPE F: Developing as a Professional Educator
Clip Art and Photographs used on these pages were retrieved from Microsoft Office Online, and the California Board of Education website. Photographs of the 3rd Grade musical are from my personal collection.
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